Our Board

Patricia Young
Ko Patricia (Trish) Young taku ingoa mai I te whānau Poharama me Raiti no Ngati Kahu me Te Rarawa.
Maunga Taniwha te Maunga, Tokerau t e Moana, Ikateretere to Awa, Te Manawa o Ngati Tara te Marae me Ngati Tara te Hapu. E waahi noho ahau i Motupohue e tau rima tekau ma rima. Kua marenatia ahau ki Geoff Young no Ngaitahu, tokotoru nga tama, kua marena katoa, tokoiwa nga mokopuna, kotahi te mokopuna tuarua, tihei mauriora.
Having retired in March 2019 after thirty years working with whānau in the social and health sector in Bluff (Awarua) and Murihiku. Twenty of those years as the manager of Awarua Social & Health Services originally based at Te Rau Aroha Marae in Bluff.
During my tenure I gained an immense knowledge base in relation to supervising Kaimahi, managing funding contracts, administering finances and budgets, overseeing reporting and achievement of contractual outcomes and developing and reviewing policies and procedures.
I have held numerous community governance board memberships over the years, currently I am on Te Rourou Whakatipuranga o Awarua bilingual childcare centre board, a role I have held since their inception in 2006.
I am a lifetime volunteer and komiti member at Te Rau Aroha Marae as well as one of their Kaikaranga.

Stephanie Pope
Stephanie has been involved with Te Wana since its inception through her Program Director role in Australia. Stephanie assisted in development of the standards, reviewer training and was Review Coordinator for two New Zealand reviews each year through to 2006. Stephanie held the position of Te Wana Director during 2007/08 and returned as transition leader in June 2012. Stephanie has extensive experience working in Ministry and community non-government organisations and has clinical experience.

Allison Jamieson
Allison has an extensive clinical background and has held various roles with the Royal NZ Plunket Society including Well Child nurse, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and Clinical Advisor over the last 35 years. Allison has been instrumental in the development of policy and resources for the provision of health information for families, including the use of digital media. Allison has also maintained a long association with Te Wana as an internal contact and as an experienced peer reviewer. Allison has completed a number of reviews, and brings a wealth of experience in continuous quality improvement to the Board. As a volunteer Allison is a long serving member of Equestrian Sport New Zealand, (ESNZ), and is an official National Jumping Judge.